Histology and histopathology: Vol.10, nº 4 (1995) : [26]  Estadísticas

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Neurofibrillary pathology and.pdf.jpg1995-Neurofibrillary pathology and aluminum in Alzheimer's disease
Effects of melatonin testosterone and the two hormones.pdf.jpg1995-Effects of melatonin, testosterone and the two hormones administered in parallel on ventral prostate of the rat treated with stilbestrol in the first day of life
An ultrastructural study of neuronal.pdf.jpg1995-An ultrastructural study of neuronal changes in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of rats after chronic cisplatin administrations
Bloodretina1 barrier breakdown in retinitis pigmentosa.pdf.jpg1995-Blood-retina1 barrier breakdown in retinitis pigmentosa: light and electron microscopic immunolocalization
Central projections from the goldfish pineal.pdf.jpg1995-Scanning electron microscopy of capsaicin-pretreated trachea in the rat during postnatal developrnent
Ultrastructural study of a special type.pdf.jpg1995-Ultrastructural study of a special type of ependymal cell at paraventricular level of the golden hamster third ventricle
Characteristics of distribution of peptidecontaining.pdf.jpg1995-Characteristics of distribution of peptide-containing nerve fibres in the atrioventricular valves of the rat
Use of a fibroblastic matrix improves the.pdf.jpg1995-Use of a fibroblastic matrix improves the results of mesothelial-cell seeding on vascular prostheses of polytetrafluoroethylene
Molecular role of sulfated glycoprotein1.pdf.jpg1995-Molecular role of sulfated glycoprotein-1 (SGP-I/Prosaposin) in Sertoli cells
The pathological changes in peripheral.pdf.jpg1995-The pathological changes in peripheral organs of scrapie-infected animals
The interchromatin granules.pdf.jpg1995-The interchromatin granules
Substance P A neurotransmitter of.pdf.jpg1995-Substance P: A neurotransmitter of amacrine and ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina
Copperzinc and manganese superoxide dismutase.pdf.jpg1995-Copper/zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase immunoreactivity in hepatic iron overload diseases
The thyroid gland of Callithrix jacchus in organ culture.pdf.jpg1995-The thyroid gland of Callithrix jacchus in organ culture
Experimental models for carcinogenesis in.pdf.jpg1995-Experimental models for carcinogenesis in the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus, lnsectivora
Contribution of the proximal and distal nerve stumps.pdf.jpg1995-Contribution of the proximal and distal nerve stumps to peripheral nerve regeneration in silicone chambers
Characteristics of MHC antigen expression.pdf.jpg1995-Characteristics of MHC antigen expression and tumor-infiltrating mononuclear cells in renal cell adenomas and carcinomas
Morphological and histochemical changes.pdf.jpg1995-Morphological and histochemical changes in the liver and pancreas of gilthead, Sparus auratus L., induced by acute action of the anionic detergent, sodium dodecyl sulphate
Morphological changes of myoepithelial cells of.pdf.jpg1995-Morphological changes of myoepithelial cells of mouse lacrimal glands during postnatal development
The glucose6phosphatase.pdf.jpg1995-The glucose-6-phosphatase system in human development
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