Zoología y Antropología Física: Artículos: Zoología y Antropología Física : [34]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 34
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EJE Delgado & Palma.pdf.jpg12-sep-2024-Entry by brute force: An unusual behaviour displayed by Scaurus uncinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), to access nests of Messor barbarus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Spain
AnalyticalMethods 2024 LeonMoran et al (1).pdf.jpg15-abr-2024-Discrimination of Diptera order insects based on their saturated cuticular hydrocarbon content using a new microextraction procedure and chromatographic analysis
Pub-Ubero,N-2024_p190.pdf.jpgabr-2024-Cyanobacteria and Macroinvertebrate Relationships in Freshwater Benthic Communities beyond Cytotoxicity
Journal of Forensic Sciences - 2024 - Pérez‐Marcos - The influence of altitude on the abundance and occurrence of species (1).pdf.jpg15-mar-2024-The influence of altitude on the abundance and occurrence of species of the family Calliphoridae (Diptera) in corpses in a Mediterranean area
Delgado & Bilton 2024 Prosthetops larvae.pdf.jpg20242024Morphology and feeding biology of larvae of the South African endemic water beetle genus Prosthetops Waterhouse, 1879 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae).
Pub-Ubero-Pascal,N-2024-Capitulo.pdf.jpg2024-Leuctra geniculata (Stephens, 1836); Leuctra iliberis Sánchez-Ortega & Alba-Tercedor, 1988; Eoperla ochracea (Kolbe, 1885); Tyrrenoleuctra cf. minuta (Klapálek, 1901)
pub-Garcia,MD-2024-Capitulo 22.pdf.jpg2024-ENTOMOLOGÍA FORENSE
Ecography - 2023 - Martínez‐López - Contrasting effects of beekeeping and land use on plant pollinator networks and.pdf.jpg26-dic-2023-Contrasting effects of beekeeping and land use on plant-pollinator networks and pathogen prevalence in Mediterranean semiarid ecosystems
107. Urueña_sulfoxaflor N ceranae_Ecotox Env Safety23.pdf.jpg4-sep-2023-Sulfoxaflor effects depend on the interaction with other pesticides and Nosema ceranae infection in the honey bee (Apis mellifera)
hasegawa-et-al-2023-evolutionarily-diverse-origins-of-deformed-wing-viruses-in-western-honey-bees.pdf.jpg20-ene-2023-Evolutionarily diverse origins of deformed wing viruses in western honey bees
Delgado & Palma 2023 Cholovocera.pdf.jpg2023-A revision of the genus Cholovocera Victor, 1838 (Coleoptera: Endomychidae).
Pub-Aboal,M-2022_p156206.pdf.jpgsep-2022-Photoautotrophs and macroinvertebrate trophic relations in calcareous semiarid streams: The role of Cyanobacteria
insects 2022 Marcos et al.pdf.jpg9-jun-2022-Life cycle and biometric study of Hydrotaea capensis (Wiedemann, 1818) (Diptera, Muscidae), a species of forensic Interest
2022 Wolbachia & Aedes albopictus.pdf.jpg2022-Multiple invasions, Wolbachia and human‑aided transport drive the genetic variability of Aedes albopictus in the Iberian Peninsula.
Benetti et al. 2022 Hydraena bahiana.pdf.jpg2022-Hydraena bahiana sp. n., a new minute moss beetle (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae) from highlands of Northeast Brazil.
Gomez de Dios et al 2022 Islas.pdf.jpg2022-Primer catálogo de invertebrados habitantes de las pequeñas islas mediterráneas cercanas a la costa almeriense (Almería, España) (Eumetazoa, Arthropoda y Mollusca).
Insects 2021 Arnaldos&Garcia.pdf.jpg10-may-2021-Entomological contributions to the legal system in Southeastern Spain
Pub-Garcia,MD-2021_p101817.pdf.jpgfeb-2021-The paradigm of interdisciplinarity in forensic investigation. A case in Southeastern Spain
Benetti et al 2021 Adelphydraena.pdf.jpg2021-Morphological remarks on Adelphydraena amazonica Perkins & Ribera, 2020 and new records of two other Hydraenidae from Brazil (Coleoptera).
Legal Medicine 2021 Garcia et al.pdf.jpg19-nov-2020-The paradigm of interdisciplinarity in forensic investigation. A case in Southeastern Spain
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 34