Anales de psicología: Vol. 40, Nº 3 (2024) : [11]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 11 de 11
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Fear of cancer recurrence inventory (FCRI) in Spanish.pdf.jpg2024-Fear of cancer recurrence inventory (FCRI) in Spanish: validation in Mexican women with breast cancer
Positive Psychological Functioning Scale in Spanish Adolescents (PPF-A).pdf.jpg2024-Positive Psychological Functioning Scale in Spanish Adolescents (PPF-A)
Psychometric characteristics of core FertiQoL.pdf.jpg2024-Psychometric characteristics of core FertiQoL questionnaire in a Spanish sample of infertile women
Determinants of parental behavior of fathers of primary school-aged children in Croatia.pdf.jpg2024-Determinants of parental behavior of fathers of primary school-aged children in Croatia
The influence of perceived social support on academic engagement among adolescents.pdf.jpg2024-The influence of perceived social support on academic engagement among adolescents: the mediating role of self-efficacy
Level of Expressed Emotion Scale.pdf.jpg2024-Level of Expressed Emotion Scale: Spanish validation for the general adolescent population and development of a short version
Acceptability and feasibility of a meaning-focused intervention at work.pdf.jpg2024-Acceptability and feasibility of a meaning-focused intervention at work: A case series study
Age Order of Acquisition influences at early stages of visual word processing.pdf.jpg2024-Age/Order of Acquisition influences at early stages of visual word processing: Evidence from homophonic formal priming in Spanish and English
Number sense and academic buoyancy among middle school students.pdf.jpg2024-Number sense and academic buoyancy among middle school students: A serial mediation model of mathematical metacognition awareness and math anxiety
How to proceed when both normality and sphericity are violated in repeated measures ANOVA.pdf.jpg2024-How to proceed when both normality and sphericity are violated in repeated measures ANOVA
Change in Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs.pdf.jpg2024-Change in Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs: evidence from the study of well-being in Mexico
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