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dc.contributor.authorGómez de Dios, M.A.-
dc.contributor.authorTinaut, A.-
dc.contributor.authorSaloña-Bordas, M.I.-
dc.contributor.authorDelgado, Juan A.-
dc.contributor.authorArbea, J.-
dc.contributor.authorBaechli, G.-
dc.contributor.authorBaixeras, J.-
dc.contributor.authorBalanzategui, I.-
dc.contributor.authorBarranco, P.-
dc.contributor.authorBaz, A.-
dc.contributor.authorCastro-Tovar, A.-
dc.contributor.authorČerný, M.-
dc.contributor.authorCarles-Tolrá, M.-
dc.contributor.authorCabanillas, D.-
dc.contributor.authorEstrada Peña, A.-
dc.contributor.authorFalcó, V.-
dc.contributor.authorGaju-Ricart, M.-
dc.contributor.authorGamarra, P.-
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Socias, Ll.-
dc.contributor.authorLangton, P.-
dc.contributor.authorLencina, J.L.-
dc.contributor.authorMengual, X.-
dc.contributor.authorMolero Baltanás, R.-
dc.contributor.authorNartshuk, E.-
dc.contributor.authorNavarro, C.-
dc.contributor.authorObregón, R.-
dc.contributor.authorOuterelo, R.-
dc.contributor.authorPérez Hidalgo, N.-
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, B.-
dc.contributor.authorTolosa, L.-
dc.contributor.authorvan Erkelens, J.A.-
dc.contributor.otherFacultad de Biologíaes
dc.coverage.spatialPeninsula Ibéricaes
dc.identifier.citationBoletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 116: 41-56.es
dc.description.abstractFirst faunistic results of a collaborative study about the terrestrial invertebrates present in three small islands near the coast of the province of Almeria (Spain) are presented. A total of 385 individuals were captured (373 arthropods and 12 mollusks). From these samplings 118 different species have been identified and three others are under study. Our results provide new insight into the invertebrate diversity of these small islands. Of special interest is the finding of several rare species which could represents new taxa for science, namely a chloropid in the genus Conioscinella and a braconid of the subfamily Microgastrinae. Several new reports are also relevant, specially the first European record of the phoretic mite Hypoaspis phyllognathi. With respect to Andalusia, we provide the first record of the encirtid Ericydnus aeneus. Referring to Almería province, we report for the first time the chilopod Algerophilus hispanicus, the springtails Hemisotoma pontica, Xenylla mediterranea and Anurida maritima, and the stafilinids Aleochara bipustulata and Atheta pallidicornis. Taxa with morphological differences have been found with respect to their counterparts in the continental zone, and other rare species in the peninsular area, such as Tetragnatha intermedia or Cryptocephalus espanoli. Other records of interest about the dipteran fauna of these small islands, already published previously, are included as a comprehensive summary of the invertebrate fauna of the studied area. By islands, San Andrés and Terreros have presented the greatest variety in taxa, 61 and 60 respectively, while on Isla Negra, only 22 have been recorded.es
dc.relation"Sin financiación externa a la Universidad".es
dc.subjectInvertebrata, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Faunistic, Catalog, Small Mediterranean islands, Almería, Spain.es
dc.subject.otherCDU::5 - Ciencias puras y naturaleses
dc.titlePrimer catálogo de invertebrados habitantes de las pequeñas islas mediterráneas cercanas a la costa almeriense (Almería, España) (Eumetazoa, Arthropoda y Mollusca).es
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Zoología y Antropología Física

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