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Título: Implementation of digital media in higher education. An experience from the classroom
Otros títulos: Implantación de los medios digitales en la enseñanza superior. Una experiencia desde el aula
Fecha de publicación: 27-jul-2021
Editorial: South Florida Publishing
Cita bibliográfica: South Florida Journal of Development, 2(3), 4516–4525
ISSN: Electronic: 2675-5459
Palabras clave: Digital media
Wiki space
Collaborative work
Resumen: The digital development of this century is transforming our society and, in parallel, the knowledge society. These new transmission platforms represent a different way of understanding the process of transmitting and receiving knowledge. The Wiki space is increasingly established in virtual higher education classrooms. The objective of this work was to implement the use of the Wiki space in the conventional teaching methodology of university studies and assess the degree of satisfaction of the student and its adequacy in the teaching process. A survey of 22 items was carried out to assess the opinion of 174 students regarding the use and capabilities of the Wiki tool. Our results show that 98.2% rated the use of Wiki space positively. 83.3% of the students were able to promote self-learning, and 73.0% considered this a helpful resource to promote the teaching-learning process. 65.2% considered that the use of ICTs in higher education should be increased. In conclusion, the use of Wiki in the higher education teaching classroom has gained significant acceptance by students who consider it an innovative experience that favors learning and the critical search for information, increasing the motivation for the subject.
Autor/es principal/es: Legaz Pérez, Isabel
Luna, Aurelio
Facultad/Departamentos/Servicios: Facultades, Departamentos, Servicios y Escuelas::Departamentos de la UMU::Ciencias Sociosanitarias
Versión del editor: https://ojs.southfloridapublishing.com/ojs/index.php/jdev/article/view/606
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/143067
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46932/sfjdv2n3-054
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 10
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess
Descripción: This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in South Florida Journal of Development. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.46932/sfjdv2n3-054
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Ciencias Sociosanitarias

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