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dc.contributor.authorParís-Oller, Evelyne-
dc.contributor.authorSoriano-Úbeda, Cristina-
dc.contributor.authorBelda-Pérez, Ramsés-
dc.contributor.authorSarriás-Gil, Lucía-
dc.contributor.authorCanha-Gouveia, Analuce-
dc.contributor.authorGadea, Joaquín-
dc.contributor.authorVieira, Luis Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Vázquez, Francisco Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorRomar, Raquel-
dc.contributor.authorCánivas, Sebastián-
dc.contributor.authorCoy, Pilar-
dc.contributor.otherFacultades, Departamentos, Servicios y Escuelas::Departamentos de la UMU::Fisiologíaes
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (2022) 13:5es
dc.description©2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease . To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1017/S2040174421000702es
dc.description.abstractThe addition of reproductive fluids (RF) to the culture media has shown benefits in different embryonic traits but its long-term effects on the offspring phenotype are still unknown. We aimed to describe such effects in pigs. Blood samples and growth parameters were collected from piglets derived from in vitro-produced embryos (IVP) with or without RF added in the culture media versus those artificially inseminated (AI), from day 0 to month 6 of life. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed on day 45 of life. We show here the first comparative data of the growth of animals produced through different assisted reproductive techniques, demonstrating differences between groups. Overall, there was a tendency to have a larger size at birth and faster growth in animals derived from in vitro fertilization and embryo culture versus AI, although this trend was diminished by the addition of RFs to the culture media. Similarly, small differences in hematological indices and glucose tolerance between animals derived from AI and those derived from IVP, with a sex-dependent effect, tended to fade in the presence of RF. The addition of RF to the culture media could contribute to minimizing the phenotypical differences between the in vitro-derived and AI offspring, particularly in males.es
dc.publisherCambridge University Presses
dc.relationSin financiación externa a la Universidades
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectAssisted reproductive technologieses
dc.subjectIn vitro embryo productiones
dc.subjectReproductive fluidses
dc.subjectHematological parameterses
dc.subjectGlucose tolerancees
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::612 - Fisiologíaes
dc.titleReproductive fluids, added to the culture media, contribute to minimizing phenotypical differences between in vitro-derived and artificial insemination-derived pigletses
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Fisiología

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