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dc.contributor.authorSánchez Fernández, David-
dc.contributor.authorLobo, Jorge M.-
dc.contributor.authorMillán, Andrés-
dc.contributor.authorRibera, Ignacio-
dc.contributor.otherFacultades, Departamentos, Servicios y Escuelas::Facultades de la UMU::Facultad de Biologíaes
dc.identifier.citationGlobal Ecology and Biogeography, (Global Ecol. Biogeogr.) (2012) 21, 988–997es
dc.description©2012.This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Global Ecology and BiogeographyTo access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00743.xes
dc.description.abstractAim The contrasting habitat permanence over geological time-scales of lotic and lentic habitats may impose different constraints on the dispersal ability of their macroinvertebrate populations, and ultimately on the degree of equilibrium with current climate. We aim to test for differences between species typical of either habitat type in their potential versus realized distributions as a surrogate measure of degree of climate equilibrium, both in refuges and more recently deglaciated areas. Location Western Europe. Methods We focus on 99 Iberian diving beetles (family Dytiscidae). A multidimensional envelope procedure was used to estimate their potential distributions, which were projected for different spatial scales. At the continental scale we calculated the percentage of countries with climatically suitable conditions for each species over those actually occupied (range filling). At the regional scale, we estimated realized distributions using: (1) convex hull polygons for Sweden and the Iberian Peninsula; and (2) generalized linear models for the Iberian Peninsula. Results In the Iberian Peninsula, differences in the degree of equilibrium with climatic conditions between lotic and lentic species were few, if any.However, at the continental scale we found significant differences, with lentic species closer to equilibrium than lotic species. In the recently deglaciated area (Sweden) the subset of species with ranges wide enough to encompass Iberia and Scandinavia were mostly lentic, and all were closer to climatic equilibrium without significant differences between habitat types. Main conclusions Our results show that, at continental scales, climate equilibrium is not concordant between the habitat types across western Europe. We hypothesize that: (1) the differences between refuge areas in dispersal ability are erased probably due to long-term climatic stability, allowing enough time to reach equilibrium, and (2) the species with wide geographical ranges able to recolonize recently deglaciated areas should have the highest dispersal abilities, and are closer to climatic equilibrium.es
dc.relationSin financiación externa a la Universidades
dc.subjectClimate equilibriumes
dc.subjectdiving beetleses
dc.subjectIberian Peninsulaes
dc.subjectlentic specieses
dc.subjectlotic specieses
dc.subjectpost-glacial recolonizationes
dc.subjectpotential distributiones
dc.subjectrealized distributiones
dc.subjectwestern Europees
dc.subject.otherCDU::5 - Ciencias puras y naturales::57 - Biologíaes
dc.titleHabitat type mediates equilibrium with climatic conditions in the distribution of Iberian diving beetleses
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Ecología e Hidrología

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