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dc.contributor.authorGascón, José Ángel-
dc.identifier.citationInformal Logic, Vol. 41, No. 3 (2021), pp. 289–308es
dc.descriptionCopyright for each article published in Informal Logic belongs to its author(s). Informal Logic has the right of first publication. Permission to reprint any article that appears in Informal Logic MUST be obtained in writing from the author(s). In addition to any form of acknowledgement required by the author(s), the following notice must be added to the statement of copyright permission made in the reprint: Argumentative Bullshit as originally published in Informal Logic, 2021, Volume 41, Number 3, pp. 289-308.-
dc.description.abstractHarry Frankfurt characterised bullshit as assertions that are made without a concern for truth. Assertions, however, are not the only type of speech act that can be bullshit. Here, I propose the concept of argumentative bullshit and show how a speech acts account of bullshit assertions can be generalised to bullshit arguments. Argumentative bullshit, on this account, would be the production of an argument without a concern for the supporting relation between reasons and claim.es
dc.description.abstractHarry Frankfurt a caractérisé les conneries comme des affirmations faites sans souci de la vérité. Les affirmations, cependant, ne sont pas le seul type d'acte de parole qui peuvent être des conneries. Ici, je propose le concept de conneries argumentatives et je montre comment l’explication des affirmations de conneries par les actes de parole peut s’appliquer à des arguments de conneries. Avancer des conneries argumentatives, dans ce récit, serait la production d'un argument sans se soucier de la relation d’appui entre les raisons et leur conclusion.fr
dc.relationProyecto CONICYT/FONDECYT de Postdoctorado nº 3190149 del gobierno de Chile, convocatoria 2019. Proyecto PGC2018-095941B-100 del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación, convocatoria 2018.es
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectSpeech actses
dc.subjectSupporting relationes
dc.titleArgumentative bullshites
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Filosofía

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