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Título: Discovering entity inheritance relationships in document stores
Fecha de publicación: 27-oct-2021
Editorial: Elsevier
Cita bibliográfica: Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 230, 27 October 2021, 107394
ISSN: Print: 0950-7051
Electronic 1872-7409
Materias relacionadas: CDU::0 - Generalidades.::00 - Ciencia y conocimiento. Investigación. Cultura. Humanidades.::004 - Ciencia y tecnología de los ordenadores. Informática.::004.6 - Datos::004.62 - Tratamiento de datos
Palabras clave: NoSQL systems
Document Stores
Schema Extraction
Inheritance relationship inference
Polymorphic pattern
Resumen: While declaring schemas is not required in most NoSQL stores, explicit schemas are crucial to provide essential capabilities in the development of database applications such as schema visualization, code generation, and data quality improvement. Therefore, some published works and data modeling tools have recently presented reverse-engineering approaches to extract NoSQL schemas from data or code. None of them have addressed the inference of inheritance relationships in which a parent entity type is specialized in one or more child entity types. In this paper, we present a strategy to discover entity inheritance relationships from the set of existing structural variations of an entity type. The algorithm proposed also identifies the discriminator field, if it exists. A validation process has been defined, which is applied to three real datasets.
Autor/es principal/es: Hernández Chillón, Alberto
Hoyos Barceló, José Ramón
García Molina, Jesús J.
Sevilla Ruiz, Diego
Facultad/Departamentos/Servicios: Facultades, Departamentos, Servicios y Escuelas::Departamentos de la UMU::Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/138430
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107394
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 16
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess
Descripción: Acceso restringido
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores

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