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Título: Measuring environmental performance in the treatment of municipal solid waste: the case of the European Union-28
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Fecha de defensa / creación: 2019
Editorial: Elsevier
Cita bibliográfica: Ecological Indicators, 2021, vol. 123, p. 107328.
Palabras clave: Composite indicators
Data Envelopment Analysis
European Union
Environmental performance
Municipal solid waste treatment
Resumen: This paper proposes a measure of environmental performance in the treatment of municipal solid waste, which is defined as a ratio between a composite indicator of waste treated through environmentally desirable operations –recycling and recovery in our case study– and a composite indicator of waste treated through undesirable operations –landfill and incineration. Moreover, it contributes both overall and treatment-specific indicators of performance. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) techniques are used to compute the environmental performance indicators and they are illustrated with an empirical assessment of the environmental performance of the European Union-28 (EU-28) members in their treatment of municipal waste, with data for the year 2017. Our results point to a worryingly low average level of performance, with the best performers being mainly Nordic and Central European countries such as Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Finland and Denmark; at the opposite end of the spectrum, environmental performance in the treatment of waste is particularly low in most of the Eastern European countries that joined the EU-28 from the 2000s, and some Southern member states. The determinants of performance are also investigated, the main finding being a positive and statistically significant association between environmental performance in municipal waste treatment and the level of economic development.
Autor/es principal/es: Rios, Ana María
Picazo-Tadeo, Andrés J.
Versión del editor: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X2031270X
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/138233
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107328
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 10
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Descripción: ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Submitted, Accepted, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Ecological Indicators. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107328
Matería temporal: 2017
Matería geográfica: Unión Europea
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Ciencia Política, Antropología Social y Hacienda Pública

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