Estadística e Investigación Operativa: Artículos: Estadística e Investigación Operativa : [16]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 16 de 16
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FSS-D-22-00510_R1.pdf.jpg15-sep-2023-A variance-based importance index for systems with dependent components.
paper_OPTL2021_V4.pdf.jpg2023-A discrete competitive facility location model with proportional and binary rules sequentially applied
Networks2023.pdf.jpg2023-On the Existence and Computation of Nash Equilibrium in Network Competitive Location Under Delivered Pricing and Price Sensitive Demand
148 Eryilmaz-Navarro-RESS-R2 accepted Dec2021.pdf.jpgmay-2022-A decision theoretic framework for reliability-based optimal wind turbine selection
141 TAN RESS2021 accepted.pdf.jpgsep-2021-A study on multi-level redundancy allocation in coherent systems formed by modules
NRS2020FSS-R1.pdf.jpg15-jul-2021-Conditions on marginals and copula of component lifetimes for signature representation of system lifetime.
132 NF-JAP2018-accepted Dec2019.pdf.jpg16-abr-2021-Redundancy in systems with heterogeneous dependent components.
JCAM2020.pdf.jpg2021-Exact and heuristic solutions of a discrete competitive location model with Pareto-Huff customer choice rule
131 NS FSS accepted Oct 2019.pdf.jpg1-oct-2020-Aggregation and signature based comparisons of multi-state systems via decompositions of fuzzy measures
INFORMATICA 2020.pdf.jpg2020-A Discrete Competitive Facility Location Model with Minimal Market Share Constraints and Equity-Based Ties Breaking Rule
paper_SoftComp.pdf.jpg2020-Solution of asymmetric discrete competitive facility location problems using ranking of candidate locations
NAS-EJOR-R3.pdf.jpgdic-2019-Minimal repair of failed components in coherent systems
Birnbaum importance measure.pdf.jpg22-feb-2019-Birnbaum importance measure for reliability systems with dependent components
IMAMAM-Final.pdf.jpg2019-Threshold distance versus side payment to reduce the cannibalization effect in retail chain expansion
The probabilistic customer’s choice rule with a threshold attraction value[DIGITUM].pdf.jpg2019-The probabilistic customer's choice rule with a threshold attraction value: Effect on the location of competitive facilities in the plane
Networks 2018.pdf.jpg2018-Computation of multi-facility location Nash equilibria on a network under quantity competition.
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 16 de 16