Atención sociosanitaria: Artículos: Atención sociosanitaria : [16]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 16 de 16
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2023_Biological Research For Nursing.pdf.jpg15-may-2023-Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on nutritional, functional and frailty biomarkers of people living in nursing homes. a prospective study
Memories of resistance.pdf.jpg16-mar-2023-Memories of resistance. The people with physical disability movement in the late francoism and the Spanish democratic transition
2023_ BMC Geriatrics.pdf.jpg3-feb-2023-Psychosocial changes during COVID-19 lockdown on nursing home residents, their relatives and clinical staf: a prospective observational study
Mujeres que cuidan en silencio.pdf.jpg2023-Mujeres que cuidan en silencio. El impacto de la Covid-19 en el trabajo de cuidados domiciliarios en España
La seguridad del parto planificado en casa.pdf.jpg2022-La seguridad del parto planificado en casa: algunas consideraciones a partir de un estudio cualitativo
2020_Clinical Nutrients-Effect of cronotype....pdf.jpgabr-2020-Effect of a chronotype-adjusted diet on weight loss effectiveness: a randomized clinical trial
2019_Nutrients-11-925.pdf.jpg24-abr-2019-Cognitive training therapy improves the effect of hypocaloric treatment on subjects with overweight/obesity: a randomised clinical trial
2018_Int J Health Plann Mgmt_Efficiency health.pdf.jpgene-2018-Analysis and determination the efficiency of the European health systems
2017_J_Geritric-Psychiat_Neurology_ Negative bias.pdf.jpgmay-2017-Negative bias in the perception and memory of Emotional Information in Alzheimer Disease
2016_Revista de Neurología.pdf.jpg1-jul-2016-¿Hasta dónde llega la precocidad de la tomografía de coherencia óptica en el deterioro cognitivo?
2015_J Nutr Health Aging_Adressing.pdf.jpgmar-2015-Addressing the bias problem in the assessment of the quality of life of patients with dementia: Determinants of the accuracy and precision of the proxy ratings
2014_ Experimental Aging Researc.pdf.jpg30-abr-2014-Confirmatory factor analysis of the quality of life in Alzheimer’s disease scale in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
2012-International Psychogeriatrics-Determinants.pdf.jpgnov-2012-Determinants of quality of life in Alzheimer’s disease: perspective of patients, informal caregivers, and professional caregivers
2012-Neurología_Validación.pdf.jpg9-feb-2012-Validation of the Spanish version of the QoL-AD scale in Alzheimerdisease patients, their carers, and health professionals.
2008_European Neurology.pdf.jpgdic-2007-Multiple sclerosis onset during etanercept treatment
2007_ J Neural Transm.pdf.jpgmar-2007-Changes in the neuronal activity in the pedunculopontine nucleus in chronic MPTP-treated primates: an in situ hybridization study of cytochrome oxidase subunit I, choline acetyl transferase and substance P mRNA expression
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 16 de 16