Biología Vegetal: Artículos: Biología Vegetal : [26]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 26
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Didymodon schensianus Pottiaceae Bryophyta a new combination.pdf.jpg11-jun-2024-Didymodon schensianus (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), a new combination for a widespread, but overlooked taxon in East Asia
Aloina_catillum_Complex.pdf.jpg2-feb-2024-Integrative taxonomy reveals hidden diversity in the Aloina catillum Complex (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta)
A molecular approach Pseudocrossidium.pdf.jpg12-ago-2022-A molecular approach to the phylogeny of the moss genus Pseudocrossidium (Pottiaceae, Bryopsida) and its taxonomic implications
A multilocus phylogeny of Didymodon s.l..pdf.jpg21-mar-2022-A multilocus phylogeny of the moss genus Didymodon and allied genera (Pottiaceae): generic delimitations and their implications for systematics
Hymenostylium chapadense.pdf.jpg18-mar-2022-Hymenostylium chapadense M.J.Cano & J.A.Jiménez (Pottiaceae), a new species from Brazil and its phylogenetic position based on molecular data
Propagulose Syntrichia.pdf.jpg25-feb-2022-Circumscription and phylogenetic position of two propagulose species of Syntrichia (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) reveals minor realignments within the tribe Syntricheae
taxonomy-0..2.pdf.jpg21-ene-2022-Herzog Vindicated: Integrative Taxonomy Reveals That Trichostomum brachydontium (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) Comprises Several Species
Phoenix_Bayes_system_appendPDF_proof_hi.pdf.jpg31-mar-2020-Modelling ancient areas for date palms (Phoenix species: Arecaceae): Bayesian analysis of biological and cultural evidence
PPL-2020-00305.R1_acepted.pdf.jpg20202020Elevated atmospheric CO 2 modifies responses to water-stress and flowering of Mediterranean desert truffle mycorrhizal shrubs
3) MCOR-D-19-00170_R2_acepted.pdf.jpg20202019Spring stomatal response to vapor pressure deficit as a marker for desert truffle fruiting
Taxonomic revision Chionoloma.pdf.jpg18-nov-2019-Taxonomic revision of Chiololoma (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta)
Manuscript ASDE.pdf.jpg9-nov-20192019The crop of desert truffle depends on agroclimatic parameters during two key annual periods
Etnofarm Guadiana_1-s2.0-S0378874119302661-main.pdf.jpg15-sep-2019-Ethnopharmacology in the Upper Guadiana River area (Castile-La Mancha, Spain)
Bryoerythrophyllum sollmanianum.pdf.jpg12-jul-2019-Bryoerythrophyllum sollmanianum (Pottiaceae), a new moss species from the Sino-Himalayan region
Manuscript_PPB_R1.pdf.jpgfeb-2019-Changes in the secretome of Vitis vinifera cv. Monastrell cell cultures treated with cyclodextrins and methyl jasmonate
manuscript R2_digitum.pdf.jpg12-dic-2018-Bioactivity and bioavailability of phytoene and strategies to improve its production
1 MCOR-D-18-00011R1_Final.pdf.jpg20-sep-2018-Mycelium of Terfezia claveryi as inoculum source to produce desert truffle mycorrhizal plants
Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Hyalosynedra lanceolata.pdf.jpg20182017Hyalosynedra lanceolata sp. nov. and a extended description of Hyalosynedra (Bacillariophyta)
MCOR-D-16-00042_R1_Final.pdf.jpg4-jun-2016-Beneficial native bacteria improve survival and mycorrhization of desert truffle mycorrhizal plants in nursery conditions
20162016Should ecomorphs be conserved? The case of Nostoc flagelliforme, an endangered extremophile cyanobacteria
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