Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: DOI: 10.14670/HH-18-040

Título: Roles of microRNAs during glioma tumorigenesis and progression
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Editorial: Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Biología Celular e Histología
Cita bibliográfica: Histology and Histopathology, Vol.34, nº3, (2019)
ISSN: 1699-5848
Materias relacionadas: CDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::616 - Patología. Medicina clínica. Oncología
Palabras clave: Development
Resumen: Glioma is the most common and aggressive type of brain tumor. It has a poor prognosis and a high recurrence rate. Despite continued advances in surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the clinical outcomes remain dismal. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in the initiation and progression of a multitude of tumors. Until now, the molecular mechanism that is responsible for glioma tumorigenesis and progression remains unclear. Increasing evidence has shown that miRNAs play an important role in glioma. In this review, we focus on the current advances in determining the role of miRNAs in regulating tumorigenesis and the progression of glioma. In addition, the relevant roles of miRNAs about
Autor/es principal/es: Wang, Shuwei
Yin, Yutong
Liu, Shuang
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/121224
DOI: DOI: 10.14670/HH-18-040
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 10
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.34, nº3 (2019)

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