Buscar por Materia Kidney

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Metaplasia of the parietal layer of Bowmans capsule. A histopathological survey of the human kidney.pdf.jpg1986-Metaplasia of the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule. A histopathological survey of the human kidney
lmmunofluorescent examination of the kidney post.pdf.jpg1987-lmmunofluorescent examination of the kidney post mortem
The glomerular peripolar cell a review.pdf.jpg1991-The glomerular peripolar cell: a review
The arterial pattern and fractal dimension of the dog kidney.pdf.jpg1992-The arterial pattern and fractal dimension of the dog kidney
Effects of captopril on the development of rat doxorubicin nephropathy.pdf.jpg1992-Effects of captopril on the development of rat doxorubicin nephropathy
Lectin histochemical study on the kidney of normal and streptozotocininduced diabetic hamsters.pdf.jpg1993-Lectin histochemical study on the kidney of normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic hamsters
Lysosomal glycolipid storage in the renal tubular epithelium in mastomys Praomys coucha.pdf.jpg1996-Lysosomal glycolipid storage in the renal tubular epithelium in mastomys (Praomys coucha)
A morphological study in the.pdf.jpg1997-A morphological study in the kidney and spleen of gilthead, Sparus aurata, L. caused by sodium dodecyl sulphate
lmmunohistochemical detection of metallothionein in liver duodenum and kidney after dietary copperoverload in rats.pdf.jpg1998-lmmunohistochemical detection of metallothionein in liver, duodenum and kidney after dietary copper-overload in rats
Role of myofibroblasts during normal tissue repair and excessive scarring....pdf.jpg2000-Role of myofibroblasts during normal tissue repair and excessive scarring:Interest of their assessment in nephropathies
Papillary adenoma of the.pdf.jpg2001-Papillary adenoma of the kidney with mucinous secretion
Histopathological changes in avian kidney caused by Bothrops insularis jararaca ilhoa venom and a phospholipase A2containing fraction.pdf.jpg2001-Histopathological changes in avian kidney caused by Bothrops insularis (jararaca ilhoa) venom and a phospholipase A2-containing fraction
Sex and straindependent histological features of the.pdf.jpg2002-Sex- and strain-dependent histological features of the proximal convoluted tubular epithelium of mouse kidney: association with lysosomes containing apolipoprotein B
Immunogold localization of mitochondrial.pdf.jpg2002-Immunogold localization of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase in mitochondria and on the cell surface in normal rat tissues
Lectinhistochemical and cytochemical study.pdf.jpg2002-Lectin-histochemical and -cytochemical study of periodic acid Schiff-Positive lysosome granules as a histological feature of the female mouse kidney
Ultrastructural evaluation of the.pdf.jpg2003-Ultrastructural evaluation of the effect of endosulfan on mice kidney
Effect of telmisartan on preexistent cardiac and renal.pdf.jpg2004-Effect of telmisartan on preexistent cardiac and renal lesions in spontaneously hypertensive mature rats
Review of mucinous tubular and.pdf.jpg2005-Review of mucinous tubular and spindle-cell carcinoma of the kidney with a focus on clinical and pathobiological aspects
Exploring cyclosporine Aside effects and the protective roleplayed by antioxidants the morphological and immunohistochemical studies.pdf.jpg2006-Exploring cyclosporine A-side effects and the protective role-played by antioxidants: the morphological and immunohistochemical studies
Stress proteins expression in rat kidney and liver chronically exposed to aluminium sulphate.pdf.jpg2006-Stress proteins expression in rat kidney and liver chronically exposed to aluminium sulphate