Buscar por Materia Differentiation

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Epithelialtomesenchymal change of differentiation..pdf.jpg1995-Epithelial-to-mesenchymal change of differentiation.
lnhibited differentiation of Langerhans cells in the rat epidermis upon systemic treatment with cyclosporin A.pdf.jpg2001-lnhibited differentiation of Langerhans cells in the rat epidermis upon systemic treatment with cyclosporin A
Villous trophoblast of human placenta, a coherent view of its turnover, repair and contributions .pdf.jpg2001-Villous trophoblast of human placenta: a coherent view of its turnover, repair and contributions to villous development and maturation
lnvolvement of gap junctional communication and connexin expression in trophoblast differentiatio.pdf.jpg2001-Involvement of gap junctional communication and connexin expression in trophoblast differentiation of the human placenta
Cells from the inner mass of blastocyst as a.pdf.jpg2004-Cells from the inner mass of blastocyst as a source of neural derivates for differentiation studies
pPKCδ activates SC35 splicing.pdf.jpg2011-pPKCδ activates SC35 splicing factor during H9c2 myoblastic differentiation
Chen-30-1487-1498-2015.pdf.jpg2015-Transcription factors GATA4 and TBX5 promote cardiomyogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells
Tsagias-30-373-382-2015.pdf.jpg2015-Pluripotent stem cells isolated from umbilical cord form embryonic like bodies in a mesenchymal layer culture
Kim-32-1-10-2017.pdf.jpg2017-Regulatory role of microRNAs in the proliferation and differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells
Chen-32-99-106-2017.pdf.jpg2017-Microgravity directs stem cell differentiation
Zhang-37-1053-1064-2022.pdf.jpg2022-How does retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway regulate spermatogenesis?
bb808582-940d-4d88-84f6-66f2a1165647.pdf.jpg2023-Induction of lncRNA MALAT1 by hypoxia promotes bone formation by regulating the miR-22-3p/CEBPD axis
5016478c-e479-427c-b183-f4a392b82e4a-10.pdf.jpg2024-Submucosal gland differentiation and implications in esophageal basaloid squamous cell carcinomas
REIFOP_ARTICULO9_2024_27_3.pdf.jpg2024-Significados atribuidos a la educación inclusiva por la comunidad educativa