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Recombinant vaccine for canine parvovirus in dogs.pdf.jpg7-feb-1992-Recombinant Vaccine for Canine Parvovirus in Dogs
Identification of types of canine parvovirus circulating in Spain.pdf.jpg18-feb-1995-Identification of types of canine parvovirus circulating in Spain
Evaluation of sarcoptic mange in slaughtered pigs in Southeastern Spain.pdf.jpg15-abr-1998-Evaluation of the prevalence of sarcoptic mange in slaughtered fattening pigs in southeastern Spain
Intestinal myiasis in a dog.pdf.jpg24-oct-1998-Intestinal myiasis in a dog
Sarcoptic mange in Spanish iblex from Spain.pdf.jpg1999-Sarcoptic mange in Spanish ibex from Spain
Improved methods for recovering eggs of Toxocara canis from soil.pdf.jpg13-abr-2000-Improved methods for recovering eggs of Toxocara canis from soil
Use of pooled faecal samples in assessing nematode egg shedding in captive gazelles .pdf.jpg12-ago-2000-Use of pooled faecal samples in assessing nematode egg shedding in captive gazelles (Gazella species)
Oral_administration_of_mebendazole_failed_to_reduce_egg_shedding.pdf.jpg24-nov-2000-Oral administration of mebendazole failed to reduce nematode egg shedding in captive African gazelles
First report Tprobolorus.pdf.jpg1-dic-2000-First report of Trichostrongylus probolurus (Railliet, 1896) Loos, 1905 (Nematoda:Trychostrongyloidea) in Spain
Records of Eimeria spp and their patterns of excretion in captive North African gazelles.pdf.jpg2001-Records of Eimeria spp. and their patterns of excretion in captive North African Gazelles
Prevalence eggs Toxocara parks Murcia.pdf.jpg29-ene-2001-Prevalence and viability of eggs of Toxocara spp. and Toxascaris leonina in public parks in eastern Spain
Effect of different methods of administration of ivermectin on its efficacy against nematodes.pdf.jpg7-jul-2001-Effect of different methods of administration of ivermectin on its efficacy against the shedding of gastrointestinal nematode eggs by gazelles
Experimental treatment of sarcoptic mange and establishment of a mange-free population of Spanish ibex.pdf.jpgoct-2001-Experimental ivermectin treatment of sarcoptic mange and establishment of a mange-free population of spanish ibex
Abomasal and small intestinal nematodes from captive gazelles in Spain.pdf.jpgdic-2001-Abomasal and small intestinal nematodes from captive gazelles in Spain
Capítulo Toxoplasmosis.pdf.jpg2003-Toxoplasmosis
Camelostrongylus mentulatus in domestic goats.pdf.jpg2003-Camelostrongylus mentulatus in domestic goats from the Iberian Peninsula
Capítulo Neosporosis.pdf.jpg2003-Neosporosis
Proofs.pdf.jpg2004-First report of Marshallagia dentispicularis from sheep in Europe
Periparturient increase in faecal egg counts in a captive population of mohor.pdf.jpg10-ene-2004-Periparturient increase in faecal egg counts in a captive population of mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr)
Serologic resppnse Alectoris rufa against Toxoplasma gondii.pdf.jpgmay-2004-Serologic response of red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) after oral inoculation with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts