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Epidemiological Study of Non‐systemic Parasitism in Dogs in.pdf.jpg1-jun-2007-Epidemiological study of non-systemic parasitism in dogs in Southeast Mediterranean Spain assessed by coprological and post-mortem examination
Geographical Variation and Factors Associated to Seroprevalence of Canine.pdf.jpg2010-Geographical Variation and Factors Associated to Seroprevalence of Canine Leishmaniosis in an Endemic Mediterranean Area
Blood fluke infection of Thunnus Thynnus.pdf.jpg2011-Blood fluke infection of cage reared Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in west Mediterranean
Helminth infections in captive and wild Testudo graeca.pdf.jpg10-feb-2012-Differences in helminth infections between captive and wild spur-thighed tortoises Testudo graeca in southern Spain: A potential risk of reintroductions of this species
Sscabiei in pigs major welfare concern.pdf.jpg31-oct-2014-Is Sarcoptes scabiei infection in pigs a major welfare concern? A quantitative assessment of its effect in the host’s nocturnal rubbing and lying behavior
s13071-017-2135-3.pdf.jpg19-abr-2017-The role of zoological centers as reservoirs of Leishmaniosis in urban áreas
Transbounding Emerging Dis - 2019 - Muñoz - Molecular xenomonitoring and host identification of Leishmania sand fly vectors.pdf.jpg21-ago-2019-Molecular xenomonitoring and host identification of Leishmania sand fly vectors in a Mediterranean periurban wildlife park
microorganisms-08-00596.pdf.jpg20-abr-2020-Experimental infection of dogs with Toscana virus and Sandfly Fever Sicilian virus to determine their potential as possible vertebrate hosts
Massive microfilaremia in a dog subclinically infected with Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides.pdf.jpgjun-2020-Massive microfilaremia in a dog subclinically infected with Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides
Parasites in red-legged partridges_accepted.pdf.jpg7-jul-2022-Gastrointestinal parasites in red‑legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) hunted in Spain: a warning to game managers
s00436-022-07705-2.pdf.jpgene-2023-Clinical, diagnostic and epidemiological implications of Hepatozoon spp., Babesia spp. and Leishmania infantum infection in cats and dogs in a Mediterranean periurban setting