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Título: Inter-population variability in growth and reproduction of invasive bleak Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758) across the Iberian Peninsula
Fecha de publicación: 26-mar-2018
Editorial: CSIRO Publishing
Cita bibliográfica: Marine and Freshwater Research, (2018) 69(8), 1326-1332
ISSN: Print: 1323-1650
Electronic: 1448-6059
Palabras clave: Back-calculation
Body condition
Freshwater fish
Non-native species
Sex ratio
Resumen: The native European freshwater cyprinid fish, common bleak Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758), is an invasive non-native fish in the Iberian Peninsula, where it threatens the valuable endemic fish fauna. Despite the bleak’s invasive status, there is a dearth of studies on the biological traits of non-native populations in Europe’s Mediterranean region, and the present study aimed to compare bleak growth and reproductive traits across the principal rivers of Iberia with those from a native ‘reference’ bleak population in France. Non-native bleak from the River Tagus had the highest back-calculated total lengths (TLs), growth rate and body condition, but the lowest reproductive investment and smallest egg size of all studied populations. Whereas, these latter two traits were the highest in the River Ebro, where fecundity was the lowest for all Iberian rivers. The youngest age and the smallest TL at maturity were observed in the River Ebro. The River Segura had the lowest back-calculated TLs and growth rate, the highest fecundity and proportion of females, and the oldest age at maturity. Population traits of bleak in the River Saoˆne (the native ‘reference’ population) were generally different from those in Iberian rivers, except for the River Ebro. This wide inter-population variability contributes to the species’ successful establishment in novel habitats.
Autor/es principal/es: Latorre, Dani
Masó, Guillem
Verdiell Cubedo, David
Tarkan, Ali Serhan
Vila Gispert, Anna
Copp, Gordon H.
Cucherousset, Julien
da Silva, Eduardo
Fernández Delgado, Carlos
García Berthou, Emili
Miranda, Rafael
Oliva Paterna, Francisco J.
Ruiz Navarro, Ana
Serrano, José M.
Almeida, David
Facultad/Departamentos/Servicios: Facultades, Departamentos, Servicios y Escuelas::Departamentos de la UMU::Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales
Versión del editor: https://www.publish.csiro.au/mf/MF17092
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10201/138070
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1071/MF17092
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Número páginas / Extensión: 7
Derechos: info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess
Descripción: ©2018. This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Marine and Freshwater Research. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1071/MF17092
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales

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