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dc.contributor.authorBruni, J.E.es
dc.contributor.authorPersaud, T.V.N.es
dc.contributor.authorFroese, G.-
dc.contributor.authorHuang, W.-
dc.description.abstractMost studies of in utero effects of ionizing irradiation involve high doses and examination at postnatal intervals. Little information is available on the effects of low levels of ionizing radiation on embryogenesis. The developmental effects of in utero exposure to 50 cGy gamma radiation on gestational day-9.5 was investigated using Sprague- Dawley rats. Irradiated rats and appropriate controls were killed at prenatal intervals of 4h, 48h and 10 days after exposure. Fetuses were examined for abnormalities and random samples of tissues were prepared for microscopic study. With the exception of the neuroepithelium, no histopathological changes were observed in embryos 4h after exposure to 50 cGy. In irradiated embryos, mitoses were reduced within the neuroepithelium; pyknosis and some necrosis of cells were apparent at this gestational interval. Among the gross developmental abnormalities observed in embryos 48h after irradiation, excessive flexion of the embryo and abnormal flexion of the head were the only ones that appeared to be radiation-induced. The mean numerical score (47.310.2, controls; 42.410.1, irradiated) for 17 morphological parameters examined in fetuses at this gestational period compares favorably with other studies. Controls, however, showed greater variability in the extent of development of their forebrain, olfactory system, midbrain, hindbrain, and caudal neural tube. In al1 cases, there was evidence of slower development in these regions compared to their irradiated counterparts. At term. no significant differences in litter size or resorption rates were observed in irradiated animals compared to the controls, but there was a higher incidence of defective eye development, spinal curvature and visceral anomalies. In utero exposure to 50 cGY gamma-radiation during the period of early organogenesis can produce some irreversible defects that are discernible at term.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicina::611 - Anatomíaes
dc.titleEffects of in utero exposure to low dose ionizing radiation on development in the rates
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol. 9, nº 1 (1994)

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