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dc.contributor.authorGoycoolea Valencia, Francisco Martín-
dc.contributor.authorGidley, M.J.-
dc.contributor.authorMorris, E.R.-
dc.contributor.authorRichardson, R.K.-
dc.contributor.otherFacultades, Departamentos, Servicios y Escuelas::Departamentos de la UMU::Biología Celular e Histologíaes
dc.identifier.citationMacromolecules, 28, 24, 1995, 8308-8320es
dc.identifier.issnPrint: 0024-9297-
dc.identifier.issnElectronic: 1520-5835-
dc.description©1995. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Macromolecules. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/ma00128a047-
dc.description.abstractSynergistic gels of xanthan or deacetylated xanthan (DX) with locust bean gum (LBG) or konjac glucomannan (KM) melt and set at 60 °C, with no thermal hysteresis. Gelation occurs with the xanthan component in either its ordered or its disordered form and, with KM as cosynergist, is accompanied by large enthalpy changes (ΔH) in DSC. Gel modulus (G’) and AH increase linearly with increasing ratio of KM:DX up to ~1:1, with little further change at higher ratios. Liquid-like character (tan δ) passes through a sharp minimum at about the same composition. Mixed gels of KM with unmodified xanthan show similar behavior, but the maximum value of ΔH is lower, and the proportion of KM required to achieve this maximum is higher. The heat changes (per gram of xanthan or DX) depend only on mixing ratio, not on total concentration, arguing strongly for stoichiometric binding rather than an exclusion mechanism. With LBG in place of KM, the sol—gel transition is much wider and gives no discernible peaks in DSC. The minimum in tan ó with varying composition, however, is still evident, again arguing for a binding process, and the moduli are higher (~3x). Gels incorporating KM show evidence of structural rearrangement after their initial formation (maxima in the temperature dependence of G”; shoulders in tan δ and in DSC); no such effects are seen for LBG. In the light of previous X-ray diffraction studies in the condensed phase, it is suggested that initial gelation involves heterotypic junctions between xanthan or DX and KM or LBG, with both components in a 2i conformation, but that junctions involving KM convert to a more compact 6-fo1d arrangement at lower temperature.es
dc.publisherAmerican Chemical Society-
dc.relationCONACYT (Mexico) and Unilever Research for studentship support to F.M.Ges
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleStoichiometry and conformation of xanthan in synergistic relation with locust bean gum or konjac glucomannan: evidence for heterotypic bindinges
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos: Biología Celular e Histología

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