Física: Artículos: Física : [43]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 43
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gmd-17-1469-2024.pdf.jpg19-feb-2024-Sensitivity of atmospheric rivers to aerosol treatment in regional climate simulations: insights from the AIRA identification algorithm
Automated_Detection_of_Corneal_Edema_With_Deep_Learning-Assisted_Second_Harmonic_Generation_Microscopy.pdf.jpg6-nov-2023-Automated Detection of Corneal Edema With Deep Learning-Assisted Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy
1-s2.0-S00..n.pdf.jpg19-abr-2023-Assessing the carbon footprint of photovoltaic modules through the EU Ecodesign Directive
2022FernandezBOE_PeripherRefraction.pdf.jpg2022-Instrument for fast whole-field peripheral refraction in the human eye
Guirao-RAEIC 2021.pdf.jpg1-feb-20212020Horror vacui como principio interpretativo del fenómeno contemporáneo de saturación con música de fondo
Entender una epidemia_Guirao2020.pdf.jpg25-mar-202025-mar-2020Entender una epidemia. El coronavirus en España, situación y escenarios
2020FernandezOE_AdaptationChroAber.pdf.jpg2020-Adaptation to the eye’s chromatic aberration measured with an adaptive optics visual simulator
Guirao-Infectious Disease Modelling 2020.pdf.jpg20202020The Covid-19 outbreak in Spain : A simple dynamics model, some lessons, and a theoretical framework for control response
2019SuchkovJOSA_WideRangeAO.pdf.jpg4-abr-2019-Wide-range adaptive optics visual simulator with a tunable lens
Jerez_RENE_2019.pdf.jpg2019-Future changes, or lack thereof, in the temporal variability of the combined wind-plus-solar power production in Europe
2019SuchkovOE_SLM.pdf.jpg2019-Simultaneous aberration and aperture control using a single spatial light modulator
2019SuchkovOE_ThroughFocusCA.pdf.jpg2019-Impact of longitudinal chromatic aberration on through-focus visual acuity
Turco_et_al_2018b.pdf.jpg2018-Exacerbated fires in Mediterranean Europe due to anthropogenic warming projected with non-stationary climate-fire models
Turco_NCOMMS_2018a.pdf.jpg2018-Skilful forecasting of global fire activity using seasonal climate predictions
Jerez_NCOMMS_2018.pdf.jpg2018-Impact of evolving greenhouse gas forcing on the warming signal in regional climate model experiments
srep_turco_2017.pdf.jpg2017-On the key role of droughts in the dynamics of summer fires in Mediterranean Europe
Turco_PLOSONE_2016.pdf.jpg2016-Decreasing Fires in Mediterranean Europe
Jerez_RSER_2015.pdf.jpgfeb-2015-The CLIMIX model: a tool to create and evaluate spatially-resolved scenarios of photovoltaic and wind power development
solution deposited.pdf.jpg2015-Solution and vapour deposited lead perovskite solar cells: Ecotoxicity from a life cycle assessment perspective
Jerez_NCOMMS_2015.pdf.jpg2015-The impact of climate change on photovoltaic power generation in Europe
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 43